To achieve this architecture, we will first write our Powershell code which will be used by Azure Automation Runbook. The main commands to know in this code are :

  • Connect-AzAccount -Identity : this command allows us to use the identities of the host which is executing our code. In our case, the Runbook will execute our Powershell code using the identity which has been assigned to Azure Automation Account and therefore the rights granted to this identity.
  • Get-AzStorageAccount, Get-AzStorageBlobContent, Set-AzStorageBlobContent are used to manage our storage account.
  • Search-AzGraph : This command allows us to use the Microsoft Graph API to make KQL queries. It is located in the Az.ResourceGraph module. Compared to the previous commands, this command is in a module that will need to be imported into Azure Automation Account. The module to import is Az.ResourceGraph which we will import in terraform with the azurerm_automation_module resource available on this link. It depends on the Az.Account module available at link. Note that all modules are available.

The end result is the following code extract, also available on github :

Connect-AzAccount -Identity
# ...
Get-AzStorageBlobContent -Container $containerName -Blob $queryfile -Context $Context -Destination "./$queryfile" -Force
(Get-Content -Path "./$queryfile") | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace $lastStandard, $newStandard } | Set-Content -Path "./$kql_query"
$policyevent = Search-AzGraph -Query $(Get-Content -Path "./$kql_query" -raw)

You can see that I’ve redacted some KQL code extracts in a file and with the Get-Content command, I retrieve these requests which I use on the Graph API. The query takes the form :

    | where type == ''
    | parse id with * 'regulatoryComplianceStandards/' complianceStandardId '/regulatoryComplianceControls/' complianceControlId '/regulatoryComplianceAssessments' *
    | extend complianceStandardId = replace( '-', ' ', complianceStandardId)
    | project complianceStandardId
    | summarize by complianceStandardId

On Github, you will notice that I have 2 requests, the first retrieves the list of Conformance Standards and the second retrieves the safety recommendations for a specific standard.