Introduction sur CAF et WAF
Hello, here we are going to talk about migration to the Cloud and mainly to the Azure Cloud.
Before talking about Azure or migration, it is interesting to know what cloud is. Cloud Computing** refers to the use of the memory and computing capacity of computers and servers distributed around the world and linked by a network. A cloud service provider is an IT company that provides scalable computing resources such as computing power, data storage or applications on demand via the Internet. We distinguish many cloud providers including :
- Microsoft with Office 365, Dynamics 365, Azure
- Amazon and its AWS cloud
- Oracle…
A migration operation
Migration is the operation consisting of moving a set of resources that a client manages from the physical infrastructure (network, servers, storage, etc.) to the Cloud where its level of responsibility decreases according to its choice. We distinguish :
- IaaS: Infrastructure as a Service
- PaaS: Platform as a Service
- SaaS: Software as a Service
😑 Enough talk, what are CAF and WAF?
Aubin: Oh yes, I know, CAF is __Caisse d'Allocation Familiale__ and WAF is __Web Application Filtering__😎
😏No, if you thought of that then I’ll tell you that we are far from those terms.
In fact CAF
stands for Cloud Adoption Framework
and WAF
Well Architecture Framework